Below you will find our authorization form template that you may copy fill out on your computer and print. Respondents to this RFP must meet the following minimum requirements: a).The authority to submit an application until after the closing has occurred. The Maryland Home Improvement Commission licenses and regulates home improvement contractors and salespersons. The Guide explains what you should know when applying to rent, living in a rented property, and dealing with the end of a lease. The TLS certificate enables anybody connecting to a system to know that they are sending their data to the site listed on the certificate. FEMA aids individuals and families who have disaster caused damages to their homes as a result of a presidentially declared disaster. The locksmith may be able to order a key on your behalf with the correct letter of authorisation. 10. Baldwin Hardware is a leading provider of high-quality, stylish and durable door and cabinet hardware for both residential and commercial applications. The locksmith may be able to order a key on your behalf with the correct letter of authorisation. 10.