A power of attorney is a legal document that allows you to appoint an individual or individuals to represent you before the department. A Power of Attorney lets you authorize someone to handle a specific task, like signing documents for you while you are away.This document authorizes the person you designate as your. Attorney-In-Fact to handle your OCERS retirement affairs. A special power of attorney letter grants another person the authority to act on your behalf, so it's essential to ensure that it's properly drafted. Requirements For Power Of Attorney​​ 1. You must complete a power of attorney form while you are able to understand the powers you are granting . The elder care attorneys at the Orange County law firm, JS Abrams law, explain and draft financial power of attorneys forms, medical power of attorney forms. A person may give a family member power of attorney to help them manage their financial or medical affairs. I authorize the physician who examines me for this purpose to disclose my physical or mental condition to another person for purposes of this power of attorney.