By signing this form, you allow us to share your protected health information (PHI) with the persons and organizations you put on this form. You will need to provide TWO documents to prove your Pennsylvania residency when applying for a REAL ID. Examples of acceptable residency documents include:.Here are steps to follow if you are asked to complete an ID Verification Quiz(opens in a new tab). I acknowledge that receiving a Pennsylvania Permit, License or ID card will cancel or invalidate any Permit, License or ID card from another state. 1. Click here to open and print the Credit Card Authorization Form. 2. Complete the form in its entirety, including the signature of the credit card holder. To fill out this form, gather your personal information and ensure accuracy. After you send the letter or email, the school must provide a Permission to Evaluate (PTE) -. The process for completing a PA request and submitting the required documentation can be found in Subchapter 5 of your provider manual. START HERE: Employers must ensure the form instructions are available to employees when completing this form.