A Power of Attorney, or POA, designate who you would like to make decisions on your behalf if you ever become unable to make them yourself. Our team is here to help when you need a Phoenix power of attorney lawyer to help you through these situations.We understand the different types of POAs. Our power of attorney lawyer can help you set up a power of attorney which permits another person to act on your behalf in legal matters. I AUTHORIZE my agent to make health care decisions for me when I cannot make or communicate my own health care decisions. The POA form downloaded from the internet is not properly signed and notarized according to Arizona laws. A taxpayer may also use Form 285 to grant additional powers to the Appointee, up to and including a power of attorney. Why is it important to fill out a Medical Power of Attorney form for the medical treatment of my child? The Arizona General Power of Attorney form grants authority to manage and use movable and immovable property. The first step to writing a special power of attorney is to come up with a list of each special power you want to assign.