There is no expiration date for this letter. THE BELOW LISTED EMPLOYEES ARE AUTHORIZED TO PULL PERMITS UNDER MY. CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE NUMBER: Print Name(s).A copy of this letter should be attached to any gift, estate, or GST tax returns that you may file relating to this matter. Property Owner's Name: Property Address: I (the property owner of the above address) do authorize the undersigned individual, to pull permits from the City of. The district has the support of the Instructional Technology Specialists from the GST BOCES Instructional Support Center. To file an application for amendment or cancellation of registration. This is an information sheet to help you fill out Riverside County Local Form RIPR105, Personalized List of Rights. This form contains all of the requests for information that are required for filing an application for changed assessment. SUPPLEMENTALS cumulative file for supplementals billed or noticed in the past three years. A Source of Authority.