This article and video will show you the information you need to write in each part of the certificate wording, and common mistakes to avoid. This sample notarized letter of authorization is fully customizable, and our online PDF Editor makes it easy to adjust the document to suit your needs.There is no expiration date for this letter. THE BELOW LISTED EMPLOYEES ARE AUTHORIZED TO PULL PERMITS UNDER MY. CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE NUMBER: Print Name(s). How to fill out the Authorization Letter for Notarization Request? 1. Enter your name and address at the top of the letter. 2. Each document presented for recording MUST include or comply with the following general requirements: The property must be located in Riverside County. View a list of the available Notary Public forms available from the California Secretary of State's office here. Each document presented for recording MUST include or comply with the following general requirements: The property must be located in Riverside County. If more than one signature is required, each signer must be present and bring a valid form of identification. 2.