Information about professional licensing in the Physician and Surgeon profession within the State of Utah. Expedited requests will be completed in 72 hours and standard requests will be completed in 15 calendar days when all required documentation is received.Part I: Allows you to name another person to make health care decisions for you when you cannot make decisions or speak for yourself. A power of attorney (POA) is a legal tool that enables your loved one to enlist help in protecting their financial, medical, and legal interests. Under Utah law, an adult with the capacity to make healthcare decisions ("Capacity") retains the right to make healthcare decisions on their behalf. Utah Child (Minor) Medical Consent Form. Use our Child Medical Consent form to let someone make medical decisions for your child in your absence. When does my agent's authority become effective? In Utah, a small estate affidavit is not filed with the courts. Olympus Family Medicine, Exceptional Healthcare in Utah.