(Name of Parent) (Name of Representative) to claim a copy of Authenticated PSA Birth Certificate of my child . Find below, an example of authorization letter for PSA to adapt to your personnal needs.You can also download this document in word format. 1. Get an Application Form - Birth Certificate (White Form) from the Information Marshal's booth and fill-out the required information in PRINTED LETTERS. Need a certified copy of a birth, death or marriage certificate issued in Wake County? Persons who wish to register a boat must complete a certified Application for Boat Certificate of Number, acquired through a Tennessee county clerk's office. I received my fair share of bumps and bruises while I was in the Marine Corps, but to this day I still feel like I owe the Corps more than it owes me. All data items listed in the CCARM are considered required and must be coded as defined. North Carolina Central Cancer Registry. Complete sample of federal trial court dispositions of Daubert-type ques- tions in criminal cases.