Get a sample virtual assistant contract template for your contract workers. You may modify this contract template as per your needs.Learn what a virtual assistant contract is, why it's important, and what you should include (Plus, get a free lawyer-approved template) This is a helpful tool to address questions regarding communication, time zone differences, and confidentiality. A virtual assistant contract governs the relationship between the client and the virtual assistant. It outlines and assigns the duties of the assistant. Note: You can set up weekly, biweekly, or monthly payment structure. If the Construction Manager submits a bid, then the Construction Manager must submit the bid to the Tarrant County Purchasing Department Contracts. Bids will be considered non-responsive if they show any omissions, alteration of form, additions or conditions not called for, or inconsistencies of any kind. The following sample agreement is for study in the development of exhibitions designed to tour to multiple venues.