The Satisfaction of Judgment must also be filed with the City Court. A Satisfaction of Judgment form can be purchased from any stationary store.For those who were ordered to pay in a money judgment, check out our Debt Collection research guide for resources on your rights as a debtor. If you were awarded a judgment in civil court, you are a judgment creditor. Debt Purchaser, Collins Financial, is not Entitled to Default Judgment due to Lack of Sufficient Proof. This guide has forms and instructions to file an Answer to a debt lawsuit in Texas Justice Court (also called small claims court). NOTE: All Justice of the Peace offices now accept civil filings electronically. A judgment is a court order that allows the debt collector to use stronger tools, like garnishment, to collect the debt. By filing a Notice of Intention to Defend, you are telling the court that you dispute the amount of debt claimed in the Affidavit in Support of Judgment. Small claims or debt claim case in Collin County?