A judgment proof letter generally only makes sense if you have no property to seize, littletono wages to garnish, and no savings. With a parking ticket payment plan, you can pay the total amount you owe for parking ticket judgment debt in installments, rather than all at once.A debt collector has obtained a judgment against me for outstanding credit card debt. What actions can I expect the collector to take from this point forward? Judgment skills can help you make better professional decisions in many areas such as time management, leadership, productivity and quality. On. , judgment was entered in this court in favor of the plaintiff. O It is your written response to the claims in the. Judgments explained. If you sue someone for money and win, the judgment is the court order that states a defendant owes you money. Arbitration is a mandatory but non-binding informal hearing where a neutral arbitrator, or panel of arbitrators, is selected to hear the evidence in your case.