The payment and the Interim Report and Answer of the Garnishee shall be made to the court within 30 days after the end of each employee pay period. If the applicant fails to make the required payment within thirty (30) days of the date it is due, the trustee shall apply to the court for dismissal.The following steps must be taken within 30 days of the entry of the judgment: Prepare a written Notice of Appeal and file it with the District Court. The judgment debtor has 30 days to either pay the judgment or complete the form, Judgment Debtor's. This means the court must receive the documents within thirty days. Those documents are listed below. The Judgment Creditor needs to obtain from the Post Office a certificate of mailing form (P. Damage Hearings (Default Judgments only). When the judgment is fully paid (satisfaction of the judgment). Court dates are scheduled within 30 days of the day the plaintiff files the case, and usually within 10 to 15 days for eviction cases.