If you do not have a lawyer and are representing yourself in a case, use these simplified instructions to help you fill out the Military Affidavit form. The forms listed below are used in civil and criminal cases in the Superior Court.They are for lawyers and for people who do not have lawyers. You do not always need a hearing to change a judgment or temporary order of the Massachusetts Probate and Family Court. The Court may take up the motion for default judgment on the papers, conduct a hearing, or make such other orders as it deems necessary and proper. Information on processing of Settlements and Judgments for Massachusetts departments, and public records pertaining to Settlements and Judgments. Multiple Claimants who are being paid individual identified payments. The notice shall include the name and post office address of the judgment creditor and the judgment creditor's lawyer, if any, in the commonwealth. The Online Resource for Massachusetts Poverty Law Advocates. Follow these instructions to correctly fill out the form: Court Information.