Get an overview of civil judgments in Nevada, including how a judgment creditor collects a judgment and how a judgment debtor might contest collection. (a) Authorize the entry of judgment for a specified sum, inclusive of costs and attorney's fees;.Complete Page One of the Writ of Execution as Shown:​​ 2) Print the date the judgment was filed with the Second Judicial District Court. For instance, the judgment creditor must record an affidavit stating, among other things, the judgment debtor's name, address, last four digits. 2. The filing of the affidavit renews the judgment to the extent of the amount shown due in the affidavit. 3. The Judgment Creditor (party who won the case) completes and e-files this form once payment of the judgment has been finalized. The losing party becomes the judgment debtor. Rule 97 - Payment of Judgment. On. , a Judgment was entered in the docket of the above-entitled Court and action, in favor of as Judgment Creditor, and against as Judgment Debtor, for. It is up to the judgment creditor – not the court – to collect from the judgment debtor.