You must wait 21 days after your small claims judgment was signed before you can file an execution against property. Payment of Judgment - If the defendant pays the total amount of the judgment, the plaintiff must immediately file a "Satisfaction of Judgment" form.Judgment creditors are required to complete this process within 28 days after the receipt of such disclosure. 1. Instead of paying the judgment directly to the creditor, I want to pay it to the court. 2. Date judgment was entered (specify): 3. This form does not have to be filed with the claim of appeal, but it must be filed within 28 days after you file the claim. Fill out form MC 03 (Answer, Civil) on the website or get a paper copy from the court to fill out. Fifty (50) percent if paid after sixty (60) days of the date it is considered late. Specific language is found in the Just Cause Regulations.