A judgment creditor may commence any proceedings to obtain satisfaction of the judgment, including execution and garnishment proceedings. Complete the "Request for Hearing" form and file it with the Clerk of Courts.Complete the "Instructions to the Clerk" and mark "Certificate of Judgment. " File the form with the Clerk on the 3rd floor of the Municipal Court. You will need to fill out one form for each person who owes you. File your completed form and the filing fee with the Clerk of Court. 1) Motion for Order of Garnishment of Personal Earnings of Judgment Debtor;. 2) Two copies of Affidavit of judgment creditor or judgment creditor's attorney. After a judgment has been entered, the debtor has 15 days to voluntarily pay the debt before the creditor can take legal action to collect. As soon as you receive your judgment entry from the court, you can come to the Clerk of Courts and IMMEDIATELY FILE a bank attachment.