Cases that are continued pending settlement at the Pretrial Conference shall file the Stipulation and Dismissal within 30 days, or notice the case for trial. The WRIT OF GARNISHMENT requires the Garnishee to file an answer within twenty (20) days of service.To maintain rule compliance, within 30 days after a case is at issue, the parties shall still file a notice for trial. To obtain the mail in Certificate once on the website, go to Obtain Filing Forms, then Download Forms, then find. Judgment Lien Certificate (JLC). Within 30 days effective date ofthis Judgment, Defendant Carl A. Bryant, Sr. must pay the Plaintiff, the State of Florida, Department ofEnvironmental Protection. Save a Trip to Our Office. View your court case online. The debtor has a certain amount of time to respond to the lawsuit, usually 20-30 days, depending on the state. How do you collect money after a judgment in your favor?