To do this, you must know where the judgment debtor works, banks, or who may owe the judgment debtor money. 1. After completing the Summons and Complaint form included in this packet, YOU MUST FILE THE FORMS AT. THE CUSTOMER SERVICE COUNTER AND PAY THE FILING FEE.Ask the defendant to pay the amount of the judgment. 2. (c). Within seven (7) days, Contractor shall then submit a final Payment. Application. (a) Arbitrator's Decision. Within 10 days after completing the hearing, the arbitrator must: (1) file a notice of decision with the court;. The FILING FEE box will add the application fee after each additional document is attached. Those payments would satisfy and "offset" Developer's obligation under the Development Agreement to pay the Enhancement Fee to Pima County. Emergency Services Institute of Pima Community College. A Writ of Garnishment of earnings can be issued after you make a formal written demand for payment of the judgment amount.