For those who were ordered to pay in a money judgment, check out our Debt Collection research guide for resources on your rights as a debtor. It is a thorough resource for explanations of the law and sample forms to file suit and enforce a judgment.This guide has forms and instructions to file an Answer to a debt lawsuit in Texas Justice Court (also called small claims court). If you get a judgment against you in Texas, contact your creditor before assets are seized or liens filed. A judgment must: (1) clearly state the determination of the rights of the parties in the case;. Find the forms and information you need to support your debt claim case in Montgomery County, Texas. If you owe a debt, act quickly — preferably before it's sent to a collection agency. If a debt collector sues you in the state of Texas, you need to take action. Courts in Texas have a new form to use when you want to file a lawsuit or appeal, and you can't afford to pay the court costs. Usually, creditors will help you catch up.