So legally speaking, the law in NY allows you to walk off the job for any reason, or no reason at all. Quitting requires proof of good cause, generally proof proves quitting as attributable to the work, or the employer.We will guide you through the necessary steps to file and win a bed bug lawsuit in Texas. Bed bugs found at work, company refuses to accept that it's a bed bug. If you are concerned about the bedbugs affecting the CLIENTS, you can report the business to the County Health Department. The law does not require an employer to disclose that they have a bedbug or roach issue at all. When you are a tenant dealing with bed bugs, document your concerns in writing, including the date of your observations. This guide will explain employee rights, OSHA guidelines, and some of the productive measures to prevent bed bugs in the workplace. Texas law states that a landlord must make a diligent effort to repair a problem if it materially affects the physical health or safety of an ordinary tenant. Or call an exterminator.