Under the Chicago Bed Bug Ordinance, a tenant who sees or suspects bed bugs in their unit must notify the landlord in writing, within 5 days. You can contact OSHA, perhaps this is a violation of the general duty clause.You might also try the health department. You can sue, but, your employer is correct, you will need evidence that the bed bugs came from your job. Your testimony will not be enough. Don't hesitate to seek legal advice if you're facing a bedbugrelated dilemma. If you are concerned about the bedbugs affecting the CLIENTS, you can report the business to the County Health Department. The ordinance states that landlords must pay for the extermination service and cannot punish or discriminate against tenants for reporting Bed bug infestations. Bed bugs are found in a single unit. In 2013, Chicago passed a law to help with the growing bed bug problem.