How do I form a "C" corporation, an "S" corporation, or a "501(c)(3)" corporation? An organization exempt from taxation under subsection (a) shall be subject to tax to the extent provided in parts II, III, and VI of this subchapter.Every corporation shall have power to create and issue the number of shares stated in its certificate of incorporation. You should be aware that, to get tax-exempt status, you need to file with the IRS and fill out the form 1023. I have some questions on a 501-3C application. The decision could have implications for lobbying, political, and memberrelated activities of social welfare organizations. A corporation went out of business and reopened with a new charter. To determine which form you have to fill out, see the instructions here. IRS can take up to six months to approve your 501c3 status. A "NO" answer could result in complete rejection of the bid.