The law itself doesn't say that if you leave because of a concern about bed bugs that your job is guaranteed. Definitely report to the health department in your area, anonymously if you choose, so they can evaluate the situation.Property owners are required to address bed bug infestations promptly. The law does not require an employer to disclose that they have a bedbug or roach issue at all. For general information about bed bugs and their prevention and remediation, please consult the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. This guide will explain employee rights, OSHA guidelines, and some of the productive measures to prevent bed bugs in the workplace. If you are concerned about the bedbugs affecting the CLIENTS, you can report the business to the County Health Department. Can I use a bedbug infestation as a defense in a nonpayment case? Can I break my lease and move from the apartment because of bedbugs? 'Villain' arrested after filming himself spray bug killer pesticide on food inside Walmart.