Clean Water Act Section 401: State Certification of Water Quality (a) Compliance with applicable requirements; application; procedures; license suspension. WAKE FOREST, N.C. (WTVD) Joy and Albert Rowland have lived in their house that backs up to U.S. 401 for more than three decades.The Commission is allowing certifying authorities up to one year after receipt of a request for water quality ( print page 16299) certification. Submitted By: PROFESSOR PATRICK CONNORS. Title VII prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin. There may be calls for agencies to avoid filling in legislative gaps and not to act in the absence of explicit directives from Congress. 316, 400401 (1819).6. . "Everybody has regrets. It's one of the most common emotions that human beings have," said Pink, in a podcast episode that published last month. Content Security Policy (CSP) is a feature that helps to prevent or minimize the risk of certain types of security threats.