The corporation is not liable on pre-incorporation contracts unless after it has been organized and comes into existence it assumes or adopts such contracts. If denied, return or reject online in WayneBuy and notify department of the rejection and reason.Listed below is the complete list of Special Instructions that can be inserted into a WayneBuy Requisition or Purchase Order Amendment. Certain contracts may include a price escalation clause. How do I submit a bid or proposal? This Agreement is entered into this __ day of. , 2020 (the "Effective. We have a sole source contractor that is refusing to explicitly fill out the representations related to Section 889 (ie, FAR 52.20424 or FAR 52.20426) The term employer, when used hereinafter in the Agreement, shall refer to the Wayne-. If the bidder cannot cure these deficiencies within one working day of bid opening, his bid shall be rejected).