To assist you in completing the sheet, examples of the cases that belong under each case type in item 1 are provided below. You will need to complete parts 4, 5, and 6 on page 2.Parts 7 on page 2 and 8 on page 3 are part of asking for a default judgment. Fill out Request for Entry of Default (CIV-100) and sign it. A sample filled-in form with instructions is available in the Forms section of this guide. Where can I find examples of completed FL-300 and other family law forms? Alameda Decision Information - This page will be a repository for updates and documents related to the Alameda Decision and its implementation. A motion for summary judgment or summary adjudication must be heard at least thirty (30) days before trial, unless the court orders otherwise. Read the latest Information, Local Rules, and FAQs for the Alameda Superior Court of California Civil Courts. -Used when Abstract of Judgment is recorded.