The application must be filed with the superior court in the debtor's county of residence in California. Fill out and have the court clerk issue you a Writ of Execution (EJ-130). b.Complete an Application for Earnings Withholding Order (WG-001). c. 1) Complete a Clerk's Certification of a Judgment To Be Registered in Another District (Form AO-451). A: In California, you can file a petition to confirm a foreign arbitration award, including those related to property disputes. A creditor has to register his out-of-state judgment in the new state in order to enforce the judgment under the laws of the new state. Initial Statement About an Eviction Judgment Against You (individuals), Individual Debtors. The short answer to the question is, yes, a judgment from another state, called a "sister state judgment," can be enforced against you in California. It is not uncommon for parties to have judgments issued in a foreign jurisdiction. TicketsatWork is a unique benefit offered exclusively to companies and their employees.