Judgments must include orders regarding spousal support, community and separate property, and any restraining orders. Property Declaration (form FL-160) is a multipurpose form, which may be filed with the court as an attachment to a.The application must be filed with the superior court in the debtor's county of residence in California. Judgment liens on personal property in Florida are filed with the Florida Department of State. I want to file a Writ of Attachment against a judgment debtor in Alameda County, CA. I have a judgment in my favor from. Quiet title actions allow a litigant to have the court determine title to a piece of real property, removing any cloud on the title or adverse claims. Complete the Abstract of Judgment Form. To put a judgment lien against real property, you must complete: Abstract of Judgment, Civil and Small Claims (EJ-001). This is the first step to filing for divorce in California. Real Property Sales and Transfers - Lien Notification.