Tells the parties that a judgment has been entered in a case. (NOTE: You cannot serve the Notice of Entry of Judgment or Order if you are a party in the action.If a default judgment has been entered against you there may be ways to have it vacated or set aside. It is important to have the Sheriff complete the eviction process, post the premises with the eviction restoration notice, and give you your copy of the notice. The information contained within this guide was extracted from the official court website, local rules and the vast experience of our concierge eFiling team. To set aside a default judgment in California, you would typically need to file a motion to vacate the default judgment. Fill out Request for Entry of Default (CIV-100) and sign it. A sample filled-in form with instructions is available in the Forms section of this guide. B 2610C, Judgment in an Adversary Proceeding, Bankruptcy Forms. Alameda County Clerk-Recorder's Office.