A judgment lien can be attached to the debtor's real estate -- meaning a house, condo, land, or similar kind of property interest. Your first step as a judgment creditor is to convert your verdict or other court determination declaring both parties' rights and obligations into a judgment.Step 1 to collect a judgment in Pennsylvania is to file and record the judgment in each and every county where the debtor resides or owns real property. This distribution is mailed to all recorded lien holders that have a recorded lien filed against the subject real estate. You can use our E-filing and Retrieval System to file documents and obtain records. A judgment of the Pittsburgh Magistrates Court shall not operate as a lien on real property until a transcript of the record showing a final judgment. These sample forms may be useful when filing documents for the civil and family courts. If you have any questions, consult an attorney. Need address of the property to be sold, borough, township or city ward of defendant(s). Judgment liens on real property stay in place until they are paid or otherwise released.