Judgments don't appear on your credit report and don't affect your credit score. But judgments may impact your ability to qualify for credit.A judgment lien can be attached to the debtor's real estate -- meaning a house, condo, land, or similar kind of property interest. A judgment allows you to proceed with the legal aspects of collecting. The court will send a copy of the judgment to each side. This guide can give you a place to start your research when you have won a monetary judgment against another party in Superior or Justice court. It is your responsibility to file a Satisfaction of Judgment with the court when you have been paid in full on your judgment. These files often refer to any public records about the consumer, such as judgments, tax liens, or other credit-related information. If the court enters judgment in your favor and you are entitled to monetary compensation, it is your responsibility to collect the judgment owed to you. The lienholder must file appropriate forms with the Clerk of Superior Court in the county where the judgement was recorded.