The short answer is that an atwill employee is not required to provide two weeks' notice before quitting. Should I put in my two weeks notice the day before my boss goes on vacation?Yes, if this is how the timing worked out - here's why. Can you use vacation time for 2 weeks' notice? Managers may be able to deny PTO requests from employees who resign with a 2-week notice letter. You shouldn't use PTO during your 2 weeks notice. If you give 2 weeks notice, then take 2 weeks worth of PTO during that, you actually gave 0 days notice. My question is around giving 2 weeks notice, especially at this time of year. The company I'm going to wants me to start January 9th. There's also the option to turn your "2 weeks notice" into a "3 weeks notice": state your intention to leave 2 weeks before your PTO starts.