File online with a credit card. OR Complete the fillable PDF form using your computer.File a certified copy of your judgment in the real estate records of the county in which the property is located. In Florida, a judgment lien can be attached to the debtor's real estate -- meaning a house, condo, land, or similar kind of property interest. To place a judgment lien, you or your attorney file an abstract of judgment in any county where the defendant owns nonexempt property. Small Claims Instructions; How Do I Obtain a Judgment Lien on the Debtor's Real Property? How Do I Obtain a Judgment Lien on the Debtor's Personal Property? The lien certificate must contain the legal description of the property, the names of the judgment debtor and creditor, and the date and amount of the judgment. 99-0195188 in the real property records of Bexar County, Texas.