File online with a credit card. OR Complete the fillable PDF form using your computer.After you complete your research, contact Broward County Records, Taxes and Treasury Division for a quote for the amount due to purchase property. The warrant or lien is a public record filed with the Clerk of Court or other government office in the county where the taxpayer is located. This article is an attempt to prove the proposition that under present law there is no time limit on which a judgment in Florida may be executed. You may search for deeds, mortgages, liens, release of liens, court judgments, condo declarations, and various other recorded documents on their website. Florida Statute 222.01(2) provides a procedure that prevents the lien from attaching to the homestead allowing the homeowner to sell or refinance the home. All you should need is a certified copy of the judgment. The Florida Department of Revenue's Property Tax Oversight program provides commonly requested tax forms for downloading. Collections, liens, levy.