DCSS will convene a workgroup to look at current child support enforcement policies regarding liens and lien releases, among other issues. Tells you that a lien can be placed on any real property (like a house) that you own now or in the future, as long as you owe support.To create a real property lien, the local child support agency (LCSA) records a Notice of Support Judgment with the county recorder. LCSAs are exempt from the new fee. Gov or fax us at (909)859-2003. Title companies play a critical role in the collection of child support. Child Support agencies throughout California are required to file liens and abstracts of judgment on all cases with an active child support obligation. Liens implicating personal debts like child support are likely to arise as judgment liens. The clerk of Probate court may tell you they cannot give you legal advice. They will have to pay the judgment or fill out the Statement of Assets and mail it to you.