I just received a judgment for a California civil matter. In short, the creditor must file an application to domesticate the judgment in California.Tells you that a lien can be placed on any real property (like a house) that you own now or in the future, as long as you owe support. First, you must obtain a certified copy of the judgment from the court that awarded the judgment to you. Judgment liens on personal property in Florida are filed with the Florida Department of State. Prepare an Abstract of Judgment to place a lien on real estate and enforce debt payment with our step-by-step guides. You take or mail something called an 'Abstract of Judgment' to the county recorder's office. 2010 California Code Code of Civil Procedure Article 2. A judgment lien in California can be placed on your property as a result of a creditor's legal action to satisfy a debt. If you have a judgment in California, it must be entered in the state where the debtor resides or has assets.