To get a judgment lien, the creditor must file certain documents in the county recorder's office. A judgment lien enables a creditor to compel the selling of a debtor's property.The proceeds from the property sale are then used to satisfy the judgment. To secure a judgment lien against personal property, the creditor usually files a notice of judgment lien with the Secretary of State where the debtor lives. A judgment lien allows a creditor to collect a judgment through the sale of the debtor's real estate. Download and complete Mortgage Foreclosure forms from the Illinois Office of the Courts. A judgment lien can be attached to the debtor's real estate -- meaning a house, condo, land, or similar kind of property interest. Notice shall be made in the manner described in Supreme Court Rule 105(b). Enforcement of judgment. Emphasis on Early Lien Waivers: A growing recognition of the need for early lien waivers,.