Perform the following steps to file a new case: On the Home Page, click on the blue Start a New Case button. Attorneys who represent the successful party must prepare a judgment and submit it to the judgment clerk for review.This document provides instructions for filing a foreign judgment in Clark County Courts, Nevada. This Index is updated periodically. Internet Forms are added, deleted, and revised frequently. Civil Department accepts filings for new complaints, issues service of summonses, maintains pleadings filed in each case, and issues subpoenas to witnesses. The library has many of the mandatory court forms for divorce, parentage, modification, relocation, visits, and minor guardianship available for photocopying. Philip Clark lost a court judgment and feared that the court would sell his personal property to satisfy the judgment. The library also has other fill-in-the-blank style forms. You may need to complete a Professional Judgment Request Form for multiple years using the same supporting documentation.