Notice of Lien (AT-180) tells the parties in a civil case that there is a lien against (a legal claim for) the property the case is about. In California, if you're the person owed money (the creditor), you can place a judgment lien on the debtor's real estate or personal property.The lien is based on a money judgment. b. 3. The right to attach order or the money judgment is entered in the following action: a. Fill out the form Stipulation for Time Payments (L-1094). If you cannot agree on a payment plan, you can proceed to enforce the judgment. Use this form to file a mechanics lien in the state of California. A California mechanics lien is a powerful tool to help contractors and suppliers get paid. Enter the Secretary of State file date on the original Notice of Judgment Lien. Read our stepbystep guide to learn exactly how to file a mechanics lien in California.