Small Claims: Notice of Motion and Declaration to Vacate Dismissal and Enter Judgment. Find Your Court Forms.The following is a list of some documents that may be recorded if they meet all requirements, and a description or definition of each document. The letter of instructions must specify the type of levy requested. On August 27, 2019, the Contra Costa County Superior Court entered judgment establishing the terms of the lost promissory note. In a foreclosure case, the homeowner is the "defendant" and the lender is the "plaintiff. " A foreclosure case usually takes several months or more to complete. The clerk will mail a copy of the FL-165 Request to Enter Default and FL-190 Notice of Entry of Judgment to the Respondent once the default Judgment is entered. Under judicial foreclosure, the lender can petition the court to sell the property. Forms Needed to Apply For Conservatorship in Contra Costa, California.