File online with a credit card. OR Complete the fillable PDF form using your computer.The act first expands the reach of a Florida judgment lien against a defendant's ownership of certain intangible personal property rights. As a judgment creditor, Florida law provides numerous methods through which you can collect the sum owed to you from the judgment debtor. To obtain the mail in Certificate once on the website, go to Obtain Filing Forms, then Download Forms, then find. Judgment Lien Certificate (JLC). A lien under Florida law is really just notice that the lienholder has an interest in some property either real or personal. You can't pay bills with a judgment: How to turn a court victory into a judgment lien, and use it to collect from your customer's property. Step 1: Fill out PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR WRIT OF GARNISHMENT and WRIT OF. GARNISHMENT and file with the Clerk of Court. A Florida property lien search and tax lien search can help you search for the status of assets and other important information found below.