If you know where the opposing party is employed or has a bank account, you may file forms to have their bank account or their wages garnished. To be eligible, you must have filed your taxes for the last 3 years.A recorded judgment doesn't give much information: - Date of judgment;. - Name and address of the creditor;. A judgment lien can be attached to the debtor's real estate -- meaning a house, condo, land, or similar kind of property interest. Northern Virginia collection attorney explains the Virginia debt collection process. Call (703) 865-6100 to schedule your consultation. To speak to one of the attorneys at GRDD Law, call 7032731400 or fill out one of our information request forms. Further, some circuit court clerk's offices, like that in Fairfax County, maintain public computers that researchers can use to find liens on property. If the court rules in the creditor's favor, an order of account garnishment is sent directly to your bank or credit union.