The act first expands the reach of a Florida judgment lien against a defendant's ownership of certain intangible personal property rights. Take the certified copy of your judgment to the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court, Recording Section, 22 NW 1st Street, Miami, Florida, and have it recorded.To get the proper form, visit the Department of State's website, where you can either download the form or request to have it mailed to you. The lien certificate must contain the legal description of the property, the names of the judgment debtor and creditor, and the date and amount of the judgment. Their phone number is 850-245-6039. You may obtain a certified copy of the final judgment from the Clerk's office, service charges are required. The notice informs filers of judgment liens that the property is an exempt homestead and will be conveyed or mortgaged. A recorded judgment gives you a "Lien" or interest in any land or real property the defendant may own in the county where the judgment is recorded. Filing with the Department of State serves as public notice that the judgment creditor has a monetary judgment against the judgment debtor.