You must show two things: a good reason why you missed your court date or did not answer (reasonable excuse, see examples listed below); and. It asserts a fact or makes a statement, more than opinion that the goods will be of certain quality or character.A sample is a great example. Court cases can be decided in a number of ways. Most cases never have a trial. The man who sold the fireworks to the teenager, Greg Clegane, was convicted of the felony of unlawful sale of fireworks to a minor. This is an appeal from a judgment of negligence against defendant Shadowland. The first issue in considering Vera Monroe ("Plaintiff") and her negligence claim against. The defendant in this copyright infringement case will make a motion for summary judgment, arguing that its use of the plaintiff's photograph was fair use. This article describes the steps of the Benjamin Franklin decision-making process and provides a job aid for your use.