These Foreclosure Forms are for All Courts that preside over Residential Foreclosure Cases. The most sensible solution is to make the lien of a judgment 20 years in the first place.You can't pay bills with a judgment: How to turn a court victory into a judgment lien, and use it to collect from your customer's property. It is possible that property can be sold for delinquent taxes. Judgment for Defendant - Lien Foreclosure - Bench Trial - Updated March 2023. Judgment for Defendant - Lien Foreclosure - Jury Trial - Updated March 2023. A judicial foreclosure requires the lienholder to file a civil lawsuit against the homeowner. The Court would like to review the following three documents at the hearing: the lien foreclosure language in the declarations;. Please fill out type of document (i.e. Deed of Trust, Warranty Deed, Lien, Abstract of Judgment, etc.).