If the judgment debtor only made a partial payment, you will fill out the section called "Partial Satisfaction. This authorizes the Sheriff to collect real or personal property to satisfy the judgment.A lien attaches to real property every year on January 2 for the amount of property taxes due. Every person or firm that has furnished work or provided material to build or improve your property is entitled to a mechanic's lien on the property. A judgment lien is simply a courtcreated interest in a judgment debtor's land or personal property. People who owe a civil judgment cannot finance a home or car without paying the judgment. People who owe a civil judgment cannot finance a home or car without paying the judgment. An execution issued out of a City Court may be levied against, that is, used to seize, only personal property of the Judgment Debtor (UCCA Section 1504). Proof-read all documents and check that the acknowledgement and verification is complete and in the correct form. Minnesota Statutes, Section 358.66.