To place a judgment lien, you or your attorney file an abstract of judgment (AJ) in any county where the defendant owns nonexempt property. Where can I file my Release of Lien?The lawyers at Gordon Lusky, LLP have experience working with judgment creditors to obtain a partial release and help clients resolve lien issues. Before you pursue this remedy, you should determine whether the debtor has non-exempt property. To obtain the lien, you will need her to sign a deed of trust. If she refuses, you will have to file suit. A judgment lien is security for the judgment debt. A lien is a legal notice that the creditor is attempting to collect the judgment from the value of the property. The lien shows up on the land records associated with the property and is called a "cloud on title. The first thing the homeowner needs to confirm is whether he is indeed the same person as the judgment debtor named in the lien document.