Form must be filled out and notarized at the time of filing. First, you need to make sure that you are able to record the judgment "docket" with the clerk in the county that you sued.If you do not pay or dispute your ticket within approximately 100 days, it will go into judgment. Monetary judgments, mechanic's liens, broker's liens and notices of pendency can be searched in our White Plains office or at Westchester Records Online. A judgment lien is a court ruling giving a creditor the right to take possession of a debtor's property if the debtor doesn't fulfill their obligations. The form must be filled out and presented to the County Clerk to be endorsed. If a creditor sues you and wins, they can request a judgment lien against your property, including your car. I want to place a lien on this guys vehicles or property in the state of ohio because I know he has the money to pay me. You can also obtain a judgment lien and place it on real property such as a house or even personal property such as an automobile. A judgment lien on real property establishes priority over later claimants.