In a foreclosure action, the judgment of foreclosure directs that the mortgaged premises be sold at auction to pay the sum due to the foreclosing plaintiff. These Foreclosure Forms are for All Courts that preside over Residential Foreclosure Cases.CPLR § 5235 relieves a judgment creditor who wishes to sell your real property after losing its lien status after 10 years. Monetary judgments, mechanic's liens, broker's liens and notices of pendency can be searched in our White Plains office or at Westchester Records Online. Not all states allow judgment liens on personal property, so be sure to check the laws that apply in your area before filing a lien. The creditor can foreclose on the judgment lien property. The court process of foreclosing on property begins no sooner than 30 days after you receive the Notice of Intention to Foreclose. When a judgment lien attaches to property, it means you can't sell the property until you've repaid the debt. But the person who owes the money (the debtor) doesn't always pay up.