Form must be filled out and notarized at the time of filing. Before the County Sheriff can seize personal property or assets of the Debtor, the Creditor must first identify the property to be seized.A judgment lien arises when a court rules you owe a debt, allowing the creditor to claim your nonexempt property until the debt is paid. A judgment lien is a court ruling giving a creditor the right to take possession of a debtor's property if the debtor doesn't fulfill their obligations. Monetary judgments, mechanic's liens, broker's liens and notices of pendency can be searched in our White Plains office or at Westchester Records Online. This form should accompany your document(s). The only way to put a lien on anybody's property in this case would be to sue on the loaned money in small claims court and get a judgment. This requires a lawsuit involving the property owner, all mortgage holders, all judgment lien holders and anyone else with an interest in the property. Final expenses include funeral costs up to. You can attempt to collect from your client the full amount of the judgment, plus interest, for up to 20 years.